Nowadays the day to day routine as well our lives are getting more and more automatized, that thanks to some of the great developments of our century like Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. Since that the mobiles play a major role in our lives, the power to control everything with them, from the heating systems in our houses to the performance of our company simplifies everything in our life. This is allowed thanks to IoT, and Industry 4.0 or smart houses are applications of this new network. Until now, we have worked with Internet which is a computer network, but IoT is the “new internet” connecting from our toaster to our alarm system, or the lines of production in factories. With this course, you will have the opportunity to build your basic system controlled by your phone, and you will also have the opportunity to learn the basics behind this technology. What are you waiting for? Coimbra is waiting for you!
BEST-UC or BEST Coimbra it’s the LBG of the University of Coimbra, in activity since 1992 at FCTUC (Science and Technology Faculty). Since then, it’s our prime mission promote our University all around Europe and promote extra-curriculum development focused on a international mind to our students.
Locally we offer them Soft skills Workshops and an approach with the job market with events, such as jobs fairs, Company Days or with EBEC – European BEST Engineering Competition – which are annual events.In an external panorama we offer cultural exchanges, educational courses trough all the BEST International network. Every year BEST Coimbra organizes a Summer Course – Late July, beginning of August- when we receive about 24 participants from all around Europe and give them an unforgiven experience.
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